Friday, November 9, 2012

Week Four

     Liam is four weeks old today! I can't believe how fast the past four weeks have gone, and he is growing up so quickly - he looks like such an old baby now! He is over 8lbs and seems to be getting bigger every day. He is spending more and more time awake and I think he is going through a growth spurt; he has been eating 4 oz every 2-3 hours! He is a hungry boy! He also seems to be becoming more aware of things around him. He loves to sit up and look at our faces while we talk to him, and he even smiled the other day when I played peek-a-boo with him! Babies typically don't have real smiles until they are about 6 weeks old so I'm not positive that it was a real smile, but it sure did seem like it! I still need to capture one of his big, toothless smiles on camera... they are just so fleeting it's hard to catch!  He also noticed the mobile and mirror on his swing for the first time and studied it for a little while before falling asleep. Tummy time is also another one of his milestones - he is practicing lifting up his head and he is doing a great job! He has a pillow that he does it on sometimes but he prefers to be on Javi or I's chest and look up at us. It's adorable :) 

Happy sleep
Waking up 
Biiiig stretch!
Still stretching those arms!
Relaxing after a hard head-lifting work out

His binky is half the size of his face! But he loves it!
You can see through the binky :) so cute

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