Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

   Life with Liam has been so busy these days! We were so lucky to have his Abuelos visit this past weekend! He got lots of cuddle time, everyone was holding him non-stop and he loved it. It was also the first time he got to meet Tio Alex and Hailey, so we are so glad they were able to make it! We watched lots of football and the Abuelos babysat for a bit so Javi and I were able to go out and get him some much needed work clothes (yes!). It was a great weekend, its always nice to be able to see the family, and I'm so glad Liam got to spend some good quality time with all of his grandparents!
    As far as Liam goes, he sure is growing! He is now eating almost 4oz every 3-4 hours, instead of his 2-2 1/2, so I'm sure he will be growing out of his teeny newborn clothes soon. Liam also got to use a binky for the first time, which he loves. He needs some sort of headgear though to keep it in his mouth, he always spits it out and then fusses because he wants it back, which is difficult at bedtime when mom needs some sleep! But he loves it so what can I do! He is also starting to be much more awake and alert, another sign that he is growing up quickly! He is already doing his very best to be independent; he is holding up his own head much more, and when he is wide awake he loves to be held sitting upright so he can practice holding up his head and he can look around. And today is his very first Halloween! Unfortunately, he is just too tiny to fit in any of the costumes that I've seen for babies, so he is wearing his "my first halloween" outfit, which is also a bit big on him! Hopefully with his big appetite he will start fitting into more of his clothes :)

Cuddling with his Abuela 
The group watching the football games
Javi & Joseph
Very relaxed with his Abuela
Angel face
Alex and Hailey :)
The Kidden (our other baby) very worn out from all the action
The multi-screen set up for the football games (Browns & Steelers)
Abuela giving him his bottle :)
We caught him up to no good already!
Looking at his Abuelos 
Looking at his Abuelos
Liam the first time he got his binky!
Liam today for Halloween!
Cutie pie :)

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