Friday, October 19, 2012

One Week

   Mr. Liam is one week old today! How has it been a week already?! It seems like it has been 30 seconds. He is very active today, and has been awake a lot more than usual! Lucky for us, again, its during the daytime and not at night! He is also getting better at holding up his head already and has lost his umbilical cord! He definitely has a lot of growing to do but it seems like he has changed so much already in only a week! I'm probably going to cry once his 1 month comes around, I see how time flies with these little babies.

Chillin like a villain
No more umbilical cord but a cute little belly button! 
Wide awake today!

This is Liam after he has had a big bottle - he had a little bit left and I was trying
to see if he could finish it, but he was way too milk drunk to keep going!

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