Sunday, October 7, 2012


   Well, not much is going on with us! Javi has been busy with homework and I have been very tired, so we really took it easy this weekend. We did go to visit my parents Saturday night though, and we had a fancy dinner to celebrate Javi getting his internship and the fact that I am so close to having Liam! Then today we get to watch some football (the Steelers won!! Woohoo!) and write a blog post. Not a very exciting weekend, but we like our down time!

The fancy table set up

Javi working on some homework before dinner

DELICIOUS cherry pie with a "J" because Javi is so special

The Kidden is SO glad we have made him his own room with so many comfortable places for him to take naps... he is in for a rude awakening when he finds out it's all for Liam!

The view of the pretty fall trees from our little deck 

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